The textile and garment industry uses a massive amount of energy in the production and manufacturing processes. And, due to geopolitical events, such as COVID-19 or the Russian-Ukraine war, energy costs have been rising which has also had a big impact on manufacturing companies, including the garment sector. Combined with the global increased pressure to adopt sustainable practices, garment manufacturers are prompted to seek innovative ways to reduce their energy consumption and enhance efficiency.

Why Energy Efficiency is Important

Energy efficiency in garment manufacturing on one had very important due to its significant global economic, environmental, and resource-related impacts. On the other hand, the rise of energy costs in the last years has severely affected manufacturing businesses, making it harder for them to stay profitable. A recent Make UK survey indicates that 60% of manufacturers see rising energy costs as a threat to their businesses. This pushes garment factories to adopt energy-saving practices to achieve cost savings and improve their financial stability.

From an environmental standpoint, the growing demand from international laws, regulations, and consumers for eco-friendly production methods leaves manufacturers with no choice but to implement energy-efficient technologies, contributing to global sustainability efforts.

In addition, the global shortage of primary resources emphasizes the need for efficient energy utilization. Manufacturing plants rely on electricity usage for machinery, lighting, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, and other operations. This results in an immense consumption of energy. By reducing energy consumption, garment manufacturers play a key role in preserving these vital resources, ensuring their availability for the future, and advancing sustainability goals as well.

The Challenge to Practice Energy Efficiency

As mentioned before, manufacturing facilities are big. Employing numerous workers and operating countless machines, leads to high energy consumption for lighting, HVAC, systems, and other essential operations. This makes it challenging to maintain low energy costs while ensuring a safe and socially responsible working environment.

One significant challenge is the garment manufacturing process itself. It is inherently complex and energy-intensive. And, as many factory managers also hesitate to invest in modern equipment due to high substantial financial costs, outdated machinery, and technology are often significant contributors to high energy consumption.

Another obstacle is the lack of data visibility. Inadequate data collection or monitoring of the production makes it difficult for factory managers to understand production patterns and therefore hard to identify which processes are inefficient and consume too much energy. Areas that could be improved cannot be identified.

Additionally, workers' lack of knowledge and awareness regarding the importance of energy consumption often makes it hard to implement sustainable and energy-saving measures in a garment factory. Due to that employees are less likely to adopt economically friendly behaviors in the workplace, further intensifying the energy inefficiency in a garment factory.

How to make your Garment Factory Energy Efficient

There are different ways to improve energy efficiency in a garment factory, ranging from small to bigger measures, that all payout in one way or another.

1. Conducting an Energy Audit: The first step towards reducing the consumption of energy is to conduct a comprehensive energy audit in your garment factory. An audit can give you a thorough look into energy usage patterns, garment machinery efficiency, and overall building efficiency. Based on this data, you can identify the areas that use the most and least energy, and which areas are rather inefficient and need improvement. In the longer term, manufacturers can consider using a data-based energy management system to monitor energy usage across the facility and make changes accordingly.

2. Investing in Energy-Efficient Equipment: This solution is pretty obvious. Manufacturing plants can first update their facilities by investing in LED lighting, and improving the insulation of the building, and should also consider updating their HVAC system if it is older than ten years. But, the investment does not stop there. Older garment machinery needs to be replaced as well, as newer technologies have more energy-efficient features. Especially machinery that is driven by a motor. According to ABB's 2022 Energy Efficiency Survey Report, upgrading industrial motor-driven systems could lead to a 10% reduction in global electricity consumption. Such machinery in a garment factory includes fabric spreading machines, fabric cutting machines, and fabric inspection machines.

3. Implementing Smart Manufacturing: We have often times emphasized the importance of new technologies in garment manufacturing before. And, one of their many benefits is their ability to optimize energy consumption by leveraging automation and data analytics. Adopting Industry 4.0 technologies like Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), or digital dashboards factories can benefit from a downtime reduction of 30-50% according to a 2022 McKinsey study. For instance, a manufacturing company implemented IIot-enabled sensors in their packaging lines which has resulted in a 15% reduction of energy usage.

4. Cleaning and Maintaining Equipment: An investment into new energy-efficient garment machinery only pays off when they are well maintained. Regular cleaning and maintaining your equipment ensures their constant efficient operation, optimized performance, and long lifespan, which can translate to energy efficiency savings. Preventative Maintenance can also prevent energy waste due to malfunction or parts of machinery consuming more energy to work properly.

5. Optimizing Production Processes: Streamlining production processes minimizes energy consumption and improves productivity. Identifying and eliminating bottlenecks, reorganizing workstations, and implementing automation can enhance efficiency. The fastest and easiest way to optimize production processes is to implement a digital dashboard that gives garment factory managers a clear and thorough overview of all production data. With the help of this data, best strategies can be developed and executed.

6. Integrating Renewable Energy: Using renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal systems, can reduce reliance on grid electricity for a garment factory. Although the initial investment may be on the higher side, the long-term savings and environmental benefits could justify the cost. Renewable energy infrastructure also enhances energy security and can generate additional revenue by selling excess energy back to the grid.

7. Training Workers and Staff: The proper training of garment factory workers should not be underestimated. As they are the pulse of the manufacturing process, training them on energy conversation is crucial. Strategies, such as thorough training programs or integrating the topic into onboarding processes can greatly impact saving energy in the factory facilities.


Having an energy-efficient garment manufacturing process does not only leads to significant cost savings but also enhances the brand image by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability. The most important thing for a garment factory is to address this matter and implement changes in their facilities actively.

OSHIMA offers highly advanced machinery equipped with the latest technologies, such as the AI-driven Fabric Inspection Machine EagleAi, the cloud-enable Fabric Spreading Machine SPro, or the Smart Automatic Fabric Cutting Machine M8s, we can provide you with extensive solutions to reach the best energy efficiency in your garment factory. With a clear understanding of the garment manufacturing processes, you will be able to streamline your production and increase your productivity. Contact us now to find the best solution for you.