To stay ahead in the fiercely competitive textile and garment industry, modern garment factories must rapidly adapt by actively integrating intelligent machinery, automation, and other cutting-edge technologies. However, this also brings a series of challenges, including ensuring the safety and compliance of machinery while adhering to domestic and international standards to protect workers and maintain environmental stewardship. Many garment factories have begun incorporating automation technologies into their production lines and using digital dashboard monitoring systems to enhance production efficiency and management transparency. This helps factories comply with regulations, avoiding legal issues and potential penalties. This approach applies not only to production processes but also to all machinery within the factory.

However, mastering all safety and environmental standards is a challenge for management. The following strategies can help garment factories meet regulatory requirements and ensure the safety and environmental compliance of their machinery.

The Importance of Global Demand and Compliance

The garment manufacturing industry is labor-intensive and requires significant resources in its production processes. To reduce environmental impact, modern factories increasingly focus on environmental protection measures and sustainable development. Therefore, compliance is crucial in garment manufacturing. According to McKinsey's 2022 Fashion Report, consumers are increasingly concerned about the sourcing of materials, the manufacturing processes, and whether the workers involved are treated fairly. Social compliance not only involves how companies handle employee working conditions, wages, and working hours but also includes adherence to environmental regulations. This ensures fair treatment of workers and includes proper safety training and machinery operation training.

To meet safety and environmental standards, the machinery used in factories must also comply with most regulations. The following are key strategies to help garment factories achieve these requirements:

  • Establishing a Compliance Team: Regulations and laws vary by location and application, meaning there are different laws for certain materials, fabrics, dyeing materials, and machines. Having a well-established compliance team that understands all these regulations and is able to keep up on changes is therefore extremely important. Additionally, the team should also understand the legal consequences that could follow from failing in adhering to regulations.

  • Understanding International Standards and Trade Requirements: By engaging in international business and trade, the compliance can get a bit more complicated as differences in regulations and certification processes become more apparent on an international level. Yet, it is very important to understand and comply with these, otherwise a garment factory is not able to hold their competitiveness on a global level, or even access the global market to attract international clients. It is advised to invest in recognized certifications, such as ISO-certificates, for quality and environmental management systems. It is also important to do thorough research to partner with the right garment machinery supplier that is compliant with international standards, ensuring supply chain compliance.

  • Prioritizing Worker Safety: First and foremost, garment business should partner with the right garment machinery supplier. It is within the responsibilities of a garment machinery manufacturer to understand what kind of hazards a machine can have and to tackle them accordingly. It is also within their responsibility to produce the garment machinery that complies with all safety and environmental regulations. Once adapted in the factory however, factory managers should still ensure that workers are protected from hazards, such as moving parts and electrical risks. Additionally, workers should regularly undergo safety and operation trainings.

  • Implementing Environmental Sustainability: Garment manufacturing has a big impact on the environment due to high waste generation and energy consumption. With the right machinery, both aspects can be reduced significantly while adhering to local and international environmental regulations. The right machinery supplier can provide the factory with energy-efficient technologies to reduce carbon emissions and electricity consumption. Ultimately, this will support the garment business in promoting eco-friendliness, resulting into a positive reputation.

  • Maintaining Detailed Documentation: The number of laws and regulations seem endless. To keep track which regulations a garment business has to and is adhering to, accurate records are crucial. This does not only demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements, but also shows transparency and accountability, allowing clients to fully trust the garment factory with their business. Additionally, it is advised to conduct regular audits and reviews of documentation to ensure address possible inconsistencies and bottlenecks in quality control.


These strategies effectively help garment manufacturers to navigate and adhere to local and international regulations. To stay globally successful and competitive businesses have no choice but to adhere to safety and environmental standards. Especially, as also consumers are increasingly addressing their concerns on both topics. According to McKinsey’s 2022 State of Fashion report, consumers want to buy and connect with brands “who value the importance of an ethical supply chain and will incorporate social and human rights and environmental considerations into how they do business across the world”. This means for garment factories that every step counts and even a small step towards the wrong direction can result to big loss of businesses.

And, garment machinery support workers in a garment factory. The right machinery creates a safe, reliable and comfortable working environment. The right machinery is also equipped with new technologies that promote sustainability in the production. It is therefore important to partner with the right garment machinery supplier that has a broad understanding of the global garment business, international standards and certifications, and has implemented these into their solutions. Investing in the right machinery that reliable works for a long time pays off as it results into a high return-of-investment – for the garment factory, for the workers, and for the environment.

OSHIMA has more than 50 years of experience in the garment manufacturing industry. Working with clients all over the world we specialize in advances solutions that aid our partners in maintaining their global reputation and competitiveness. If you are looking for a reliable partner that understands the importance of social compliance, global standards, and high-quality machinery, contact us now.