In the spur of more and more consumers going against fast fashion, the last years have shown that customization and personalization of clothing has become increasingly popular. Consumers have expressed a high desire in personalized and unique clothing that can be worn over a longer period of time, and is also more sustainable. So, it comes to no surprise that brands that have been finding solutions to accommodate these demands have gained a lot of popularity over the last years.

Latest trend analyzes in fashion have repeatedly emphasized the strong desire of consumers in 2024 for clothing brands that offer a range of customization options but are also sustainable in the production. The goal of purchasing more personalized items is to go against the speed of fast fashion that is known for their big impact on the environment.

But how can a garment factory keep up with the changing requirements of customization and personalization while being efficient and save resources at the same time? One key feature in the production line is having a flexible production system. The right manufacturing solution and machinery allows high flexibility, precision, and creativity yet keeping downtime low, be cost-effective and resourceful at the same time.

In the following you can find six solutions on how to update your manufacturing process to be more flexible and resourceful:

  • Modular Cutting Systems

Modular cutting machines can be easily customized and configured according to specific needs. Their high versatility makes it easy for garment manufacturers to handle different garment types thus, allowing them to offer a high range of customization and products. And, equipped with computer numerical control (CNC) like all of OSHIMA’s fabric cutting machines, digital design patterns can be easily modified, enabling a high flexibility. Additionally, the machines work in fast and high precision, eliminating human error which reduces waste by a lot and is therefore more resourceful.

  • CAD/CAM Software

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software allow quick changes to designs, supporting customization and personalization during production. Thanks to the digitalization operation and communication are smooth with little to no downtime of the machinery, keeping the use of energy low. An additional way why CAD/CAM Softwares are more energy efficient is their virtual prototyping and simulation features which minimizes the production of samples, leading to less waste and energy consumption as well.

Fabric cutting machines like the Smart Automatic Cutting M8S or OneCut are very commonly used to achieve high flexibility while being sustainable in the production line.

  • Multi-Head Embroidery

A very popular way to customize or personalize clothing is through embroidery designs. Therefore, embroidery machines with multiple heads can handle several designs at the same time. With the flexibility to switch between various patterns a bigger amount of customization requests can be handled simultaneously without losing efficiency in the production line.

And, as this flexibility allows for different designs without the need of separate production run, the overall environmental impact is reduced as well. Also, thanks to the high precision and efficiency the usage of material and production of waste is minimized.

  • Automatic Sewing Cells

In the epitome of Industry 4.0 and automation robotic or automated sewing cells allow high flexibility and thus fast customization of garments as they can be easily programmed to handle different stitching patterns and garment styles. Thus, the transition between the standard production line and the production line for customized products is seamless, keeping the consumption of energy and other resources low and contributing to a sustainable manufacturing process.

  • Human-Machine Collaboration (HMC)

The seamless integration of human and machine capabilities optimizes manufacturing processes and enhances productivity as collaborative robots can be easily reprogrammed to perform different tasks. This also enhances the flexibility of the production line, especially for repetitive tasks such as heat pressing or tasks that require high precision such as fabric cutting. Well-designed workstations with online data-management also allow smooth communication between different production steps, supporting the executive team as they make design decisions on the go. All of this allows a resourceful use of materials and costs, eliminating human error and therefore reducing waste as well.

  • Flexible Workstations

Machinery with adjustable fixtures that can be easily reconfigured, can easily handle changes in the production and therefore accommodate a variety of customization and personalization requests. Adapting to changing requirements without having to completely adjust the production line keeps the environmental impact of the factory low. Additionally do flexible workstations enable a resourceful utilization of materials contributing to less waste in the production line. And, as they are capable to accommodate customization, the need for mass production is reduced, lowering the risk of overproduction and excess inventory.

OSHIMA’s cutting room solutions for example offer a wide range of flexibility as the machinery itself have modular and configurable features, supporting the needs of a sustainable production of customized and personalized garments.


Though trends in the fashion industry change quickly, the emphasis on sustainability has stayed and become even stronger. It is therefore inevitable to have a sustainable production line, as consumers also demand transparency about the production line from brands and garment factories. With this it is crucial for modern garment factories to invest in the right solutions to contribute to a more sustainable and adaptable manufacturing environment. Make your garment factory more sustainable with the help of OSHIMA and contact us now.